Well, this is the last post that I will write in this blog to the English III Class in the first semester. I hope that anyone who read it will enjoy some of which I've written or, at least, it seems consistent.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The Last Post.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
FIFA World Cup
If we think which the football is the most popular and practiced sport on the world, the moment where the 32 best countries compete while they had be seen for severeal millons of pairs of eyes, we can be seen to the FIFA World Cup as one of the few events of the humanity meets without it has relation with a war conflict.
In this moment, I do not know where I going to see the match of tomorrow: Chile vs Honduras. I have two alternatives: to see the match in the university, but for It, I would have which awake very very early to arrive to the university to the start of the match. The other option is to see the match in my house and when it end, run to the Transantiago, from here to the Metro and keep running again to the Transantiago for to arrive on time to the class. Both options are very difficult. If I see the match in my house, I going to see the match with my parents; if I see the match in the University, I going to see the match with my classmates.
My expect from the Chile’s participation on the match of tomorrow is which they show a good football like a team and to see some goals and very much courage. I hope a chilean victory, nothing more. With respect to the Chile’s participation in all of the World Cup, I do not know if Chile win, I just hope to see a good play and many goals.
I understad the behavior of the chilean people about the chile’s participation: the bread is richer and tea is sweeter when chile wins.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
A good photograph

Hello to all!!!!
This photograph was taken by Wen Fong, a Chilean student that lives in Santiago. He has been in North America, Asia and Europa taking photographs.
The photograph was taken on January 8, 2010 in the Meadow Village, Big Sky, Montana.
The name of this photograph is Winter Fire, and was publicated in Isocien which is a chilean website dedicated to the photography and in Flickr, the bigest website made to share photographs and videos with the world.
An important point is the camera that captured this photograph: a Nikon D40X. This is a great camera, and his price is over $ 300.000 chilean pesos.
This photograph shows wood burning in winter. It is very difficult to achieve combustion in bad climatic condition, but we can see how flows the fire and which is feeding from to the wood and the cold oxygen of winter. For this reason, this is photograph need hard work.
To take a fire photograph needs knowledge and experience in the world of photography, Wen Fong could not took this photograph using flash, with a low exposure time or a auto zoom. All of this factor must be selected for the photographer with so much carefully. Each element of the nature could ruin a photograph, and more in winter, the enemy of the fire.
I like this photograph because It shows a big concern and care in the details: the photograph is centered, the colors are very marked and the contrast is optimal. Exist the possibility which I am imagining all of the good characteristics of the photograph and could be the result of an error or just for luck. Even so, this is a great photography and It has the classical features of hard work.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
My favorite trip
This trip was made with two old friends, Bianco and Francisco, both former classmates. In fact, we plan to make this trip for quite some time, resulting only February 26, 2010.
I think you understand why this trips is special compared with my others trips.
The first night we spent in El Tabo, occurred the Earthquake of the 27-02. It was not the same earthquake what it did special this trip, yes did do the consequences of this earthquake, which I can define in three words: freedom, isolation and independence. These three things made me understand my abilities to solve problems. These problems can be seen as simple, but are rare as the lack of drinking water, the decrease in the ration of food (prices rose and began to lack some products) or our security.
Initially we plan to be in El Tabo three days, but were eventually four days because the bus would bring us back to Santiago simply did not picked us. Be careful when you are traveling in Tur-Bus, jajajaja.
What most we did, finally, was to know the city walking, taking many photographs of the coastal landscape with long journeys through the various beaches. I think that was the best of this trip: despite everything that was happening, always we could sit, watching the sea and hear the sound. Just to rest.
This is my trip.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
My favourite music group.

My favourite music group is Sepultura with his classical members.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
My favourite piece of technology

My favourite piece of technology is mi mobile phone, a Nokia 5310 Xpressmusic.
I bought this mobile phone around two years ago, in a Mall Plaza Vespucio with my father in a store of Entel. The principally use of the this mobile phone as a music player, but I use too to be communicate with my family and friends and a few times to take photos.
I use my cell phone every day. For example, when I travel in Transantiago and Metro to the University, I listening my favourite music with my cell phone. I like feel the music in all place, and for his size, barely felt. I just leave my cell phone when I come back to my home and I forget his existance untill I listen call ring. I could say which I use mi cell phone all the day.
I like mi cell phone because is very small, is very resistance to falls and his definition of the low and high tones in the music is very very well with all kind of music. My cell phone has a fair capacity for my music, the sms, some photos and various things more.
My life, without my cell phone, would be boring, especially the travel in to the University and also I would be incommunicable.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lasaña is a classic italian/greek food made alternating pasta, meat and cheese, also can be other ingredients like vegetables, fish and a mix with a big variety of ingredients.
The origin of lasagna can begin with the word "lasagna", this word is derived from the Greek "lasanon" which in Latin is "lasanum", which refers to the pan in which it is cooked. The singular word in Italian is "lasagna" and plural "lasagne".
The classic ingredients of Lasaña are: sheets of pasta, meat, tomato sauce, onion, cheese and several spices.
The preparation is:
1) Crosscut the mean and the onion into small pieces.
2) Fry the meat and the onion in a pan with oil.
3) Stir untill almost sewn.
4) Add tomato sauce and some spices and stir.
5) When the sauce is ready, put a small quantity in the pan.
6) Soak in water and oil the sheets of pasta to prevent sticking.
7) Put over the sauce the sheets of pasta.
8) Continue alternating sauce and layers of pasta.
9) In the top, put the cheese.
10) Put the pan to the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius.
I like lasaña because his taste is great and because eat lasaña is a familiar moment.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Marvin Harris, the Rockstar!

Marvin Harris was born in Brooklyn, New York at August 18, 1927. He was an American anthropologist.
He entered the U.S. Army toward the end of the Second World War and when came back entered to the Columbia University. There he studied anthropology. During his career, he was very influenced for the theories of Karl Marx and he combined the ideas of Thomas Malthus about the impact of demographic factors on other parts of the sociocultural system. With these two theories, Marvin Harris created the study methodology named Cultural Materialism. Basically, the Cultural Materialism says the media and the types of subsistence in a society determine to the social organization and the culture.
The best-known books are:
Good to Eat: Riddles of Food and Culture (1985)
Death, Sex, and Fertility: Population Regulation in Preindustrial and Developing Societies (1987)
Cows, Pigs, Wars, and Witches: The Riddles of Culture (1975)
Cultural Materialism: The Struggle for a Science of Culture (1982)
Harris died in Gainesville (Florida) on October 25, 2001.
I like Marvin Harris because he can explain anything aspect of the culture, like the love of the cow in the India, just through the modes of production of his subsistence.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The last movie I Saw
The film was directed by Kathryn Bigelow and his protagonist is Jeremy Renner like the Sergeant First Class William James, Anthony Mackie like the Sargeant JT Sanborn and Brian Geraghty like the especialist Owen Eldridge.
The film begins with the death of the charge of defusing bombs, which is replaced by risky Sergeant William James.
The film shows us the adrenaline that causes the Sergeant William James to risk his life when deactivating bombs. Such an increase in adrenaline cause an addiction in the sergeant who you do run many risks, and ultimately leads him to return again and again to Iraq for defusing bombs.
I like this movie, because have good action and suspense scenes. Perhaps, the 131 minuts to be much, but is very interesant. And the actuation is very impressive.
"The Hurt Locker" is a good Film.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
My Earthquake Experience
We were sleeping, but Francisco, one of the group, woke up quickly and shouted very strongly "EARTHQUAKE!!!". The rest of us woke up. This was the beginning of the Earthquake for me.
We went out of the house and we stayed there all the night with a bonfire. In the morning, we spoke on the phone with our families and we learned what had happened: an Earthquake.
The following Monday, we came back to the Santiago.
Now, I just remember the uncertainty.
This is my experience in the earthquake.