Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Last Post.

Well, this is the last post that I will write in this blog to the English III Class in the first semester. I hope that anyone who read it will enjoy some of which I've written or, at least, it seems consistent.

This wasn’t the first time which I write in a blog, but is very different do It in English, thinking that after It will be assessed, mainly because the subjects are given or agreed, limiting the free writing. Either way, it takes much imagination to make from small ideas a full post.

No doubt I enjoyed writing this blog, I found entertaining and a good experience. To express ideas, however small or incomplete to be, they help to improve the communication skills.

Gradually I got used to thinking in English, thing which still remains very difficult to me, but with practice I could improve. By no means I am good in English, but I'm slightly better. Mainly, it has been very good to understand how to sort ideas in another language to preserve the original meaning, or at least, that It does not vary much. With regard to vocabulary, I have learned many more words and the different types of conjugates, in addition to practicing a more relaxed communication, not so formal.

There are many advantages of writing a blog in English class, one of them is the constant help which the teacher provides to solve all sorts of questions, is an excellent guide. Also writing in conjunction with other classmates, which enables the exchange of ideas and a pleasant working environment. One drawback for me is the time that usually I take to organize and structure ideas in English text correctly, so I work a bit faster in the time available, thus sometimes I make silly mistakes.

Bye Bye

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work, Víctor!

    This is the marking criteria:

    Task: 3 pts, lexis: 3 pts, Grammar: 3 pts= 9pts

    Final grade: 7.0

    More comments in class.

